1903 French Chargé Luger toggle knob hatching design
Note the very deep, well defined 1903 Chargé Luger toggle knob single batch die forge stamping of serial numbers 25019, 25024 and 25035. The 90º hatching or 4-cornered pyramidal pattern is very distinctive forming a centrally located square border, stamped or positioned at 30º clockwise from 0º such that each corner of the square is positioned at 30º, 120º, 210º and 300º. The toggle knob circumference is soft shouldered with the large outer edge border circumference parallel serrations extending well beyond the soft shoulder to interface or blend with the 90º hatching surface pattern. This pattern is duplicated for both the left side and the right side toggle knob.
There is no doubt that the 1903 French Chargé Lugers were produced in a single batch. Since there were, at most, 25 to 50 1903 French Chargé Lugers manufactured, it can be stated with certainty that only one die forging was required. As a consequence all authentic 1903 French Charge toggle knob stampings should be consistent and well defined due to the unique pattern design, regardless of the effects of age and use. Therefore, all original and authenticated 1903 M1903 French Chargé Luger toggle knob stampings are identical with no deviations. There are also several internal machining features unique to the 1903 French Chargé Luger manufacture that are used to authenticate these guns.
The 1904 transitional navy Lugers were also produced in a single batch and the same conditions apply. There are several pretenders to these guns especially the 1903 model. Although superficially convincing, they fail the test of originality when knowledgeably examined internally and externally.
 Serial number 25019 | |
 Serial number 25024 | |
 Serial number 25035 |
Recognized 1903 French Chargé Luger Toggle Knob Comparisons |
1903 French Chargé Lugers serial numbers 25019, 25024 and 25035 featured in this article have been pictured and/or mentioned in various publications and as such have been recognized as genuine and original by Luger authors and experts.
 Serial number 24966 | |
 Serial number 25014 | |
 Serial number 25016 |
Questionable 1903 French Chargé Luger Toggle Knob Comparisons |
This then brings up the following three questionable 1903 French Chargé Lugers, serial numbers 24966, 25014 and 25016. The grasping surface hatching pattern of Serial number 24966 is not pyramidal, but is the same as the new model 1906 60º four-sided diamond style hatching pattern. In addition, the grasping surface lacks the square, 4-sided border, unique to the original authenticated French Chargé Lugers 25019, 25024 and 25035.
Questionable 1903 French Chargé Lugers
Serial number 25014 has an irregular, overall indistinct 90º hatching pattern with the left side of the toggle knob hatching pattern extending completely to the outer knurled circumference, with no defined square, 4-sided border. Even though the hatching pattern is at 90º and the high points are vaguely pyramidal, they appear smaller and more numerous, more resembling the 1906 new model pattern in number of diamond style projecting high points. To illustrate, note serial number 25019's red arrow at 2 o’clock pointing to the 3 numbered peaks in the arrowed row vs. the identical 4 peaks in the identical positioned arrowed row of serial number 25014 toggle knob. The entire 25014 toggle knob could be mapped showing numerous examples.
Serial number 25016 is totally lacking the 4-sided square border surrounding the 90º hatching pattern which 25016 extends completely to the circumference edge. Also, note the double stamping of the hatching pattern of 25016 at the 10 o'clock position of the right side toggle knob. This is incompatible with the die forging process with the tight tolerances required for die forging.
The 1903 Chargé toggle knob grasping surface hatching pattern is the same in orientation for the 1904 transitional navy Luger toggle knobs inasmuch as it has the identical central 90º hatching or 4-cornered pyramidal pattern except that the 1904 transitional navy toggle knob 90º grasping surface hatching pattern has no defined border and extends completely to the edge with a sharper transition shoulder.
 Serial number 36 |
 Serial number 51 |
 Serial number 68 |
 Serial number 69 |
 Serial number 79 |
 Serial number 136 |
1904 Transitional Navy Luger Single Batch Die Forgings, Left and Right Toggle Knob Comparisons
1904 transitional navy Lugers serial numbers 36, 51, 68, 69, 79 and 136 featured in this article having been pictured and/or mentioned in various publications and as such have been recognized as genuine and original by Luger authors and experts.

1904 Transitional Navy Lugers
The chronological design sequence or evolution of the DWM Luger toggle knob grasping surface from the old model to the final new model production is as follows.
- M1900 old model toggle knob with flush surface rear link, dished grasping surface with fluted or serrated leading edge and 3-piece toggle lock assembly.
- M1903 French Chargé with flat grasping surface, 90º hatching pattern and with old model 3-piece toggle lock assembly.
- M1904 transitional navy with expanded 90º hatching pattern and improved, simplified single piece toggle lock claw.
- The heretofore unknown or “missing link”, (no pun intended) serial number xxx52 old model style, flush surface rear link with new model flat grasping surface except with the 4-cornered, final design 60º diamond hatching pattern yet retaining the single piece toggle lock claw.
- The new model 10000B 9mm prototype series with raised vs. old model flush surface rear link with 60º diamond hatching pattern without the toggle lock claw.
- The final new model design production rear link.