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Pictured is one of three commercial P.08 instruction manuals privately published in the 1930’s and 1940’s by Heinz Denkler. The brown cover manual contains 30 numbered pages with four figures and three unnumbered fold-out tables or
Taflen. Based on the cover style, which is text only, and price of 0.20 pfennig (pennies), this is possibly the first, Weimar era issued example of three manuals. The second two, later published manuals are identical in contents, except for only one fold-out table and differ in the cover design and color, picturing a German soldier and priced at 0.25 pfennig.
The manuals are described by Görtz/Sturgess in The Borchardt and Luger Automatic Pistols, © 2011 – 2012 in Volume I, Chapter 5, page 374, Fig. 5-49 text caption as: The war time editions (top, centre and right) exists in both blue and orange covers. Page one of both the orange and blue cover manuals state that they are the seventh edition of the H. (Heer-Army) Dv. 255 and L. (Luftwaffe-Air force) Dv. 405 P.08 instruction manuals. Additionally, based on the font size and style, both manuals, although both published by Heinz Denkler, used different printers, possibly at different times.
Siebente unter Berücksichtigung der H. Dv. 255 und der L. Dv. 405 verbesserte und völlig neubearbeitete Auflage.
Translation: Seventh, taking account of H. Dv. 255 and the L. Dv. 405 improved and fully revised edition.
The blue and orange cover manuals are pictured in Luger Holsters and Their Accessories by E. Bender, © 1992 on page 59 with some rather confusing text caption descriptions, stating in the caption under the blue cover manual by Heinz Denkler-Publisher – Berlin C2 that the: Same manual, printed on blue paper in 1942. Size 4 by 5 ¾ inches. Thirty-two pages. Published by Frank Bartos in the wartime protectorate of Bohemia/Moravia. The caption under the orange cover manual states that the: Luger manual, privately published in the 1930’s. Orange cover, thirty-two pages, printed in Berlin. Size 4 ½ by 6 inches. Price was twenty-five pfennig.

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