American Commercial Luger Holsters: J.L. Galef
- Early full cover flap commercial Luger holster for 4-inch (100mm) barrel
Early full cover flap commercial Luger holster for 4-inch (100mm) barrel with J.L. G(alef) Trade Mark-New York City - FIREARMS – AMMUNITION – SPORTING GOODS – LEATHER GOODS in diamond shape cover flap logo
Pictured is a heretofore unknown pre WWI commercial, full cover flap, brass stud and slit closure holster for a 4-inch barrel 9mm commercial Luger. Based on the text in the diamond shaped logo indicates that it was made for or by the firm of J.L. Galef, 75 Chambers St., New York . There is also the possibility that the holster was sold as a rig as there is, at least one published example of a circa 1912 lazy N proofed DWM commercial 9mm Luger with a 4-inch barrel roll die stamped, in two lines: J.L. Galef. – New York, N.Y . Pictured is the subject holster with a 1912 J.L. Galef. – New York, N.Y. barrel roll die stamped 9mm commercial DWM Luger .
The fancy diamond shape holster logo is apparently unique to limited pre-WW1 J.L. Galef offerings as a 1920 J.L. Galef catalog does not offer new Lugers or holsters, nor picture the unique pre-WW1 J.L. Galef logo. Additionally, the 1920 catalog does not offer new 30 Cal Lugers due to their unavailability immediately after the war, however, while still not showing the unique holster logo, do offer new 30 Cal Lugers in their 1924 catalog . Until a pre-WW1 J.L. Galef catalog is identified, picturing the unique holster logo, or not, the subject pre-WW1 J.L. Galef Luger holster will remain a one-of-a-kind Luger holster collectible.

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