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Bulgarian Accessories
Royal Bulgarian Officer's Dagger.

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Royal Bulgarian Aviation Officer's Dress Dagger.

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1930s Royal Bulgarian Labor Corps Officer’s Dress Dagger.
A photograph of this ultra-rare dagger being worn is on page 263 of Volume V of Collecting the Edged Weapons of the Third Reich. The dagger is so rare that at the time the chapter on axis daggers in Volume III of Collecting the Edged Weapons of the Third Reich was written, an example was not available, and an Eickhorn sketch of the proposed dagger had to be used. Pommel is in the shape of a closed Simon's crown. Cross guard features quillons of a lion's head and pick axe/spade with the central quillon block of the Bulgarian crest in white metal. Orange celluloid grip has a tight gilt wire wrap. Plated, double edged blade has a red felt blade buffer pad. Scabbard is black leatherette with oak leaf scabbard bands and twisted rope rings. Between the scabbard bands is the emblem of the Trudovaks (Bulgarian Labor Corp) in white metal. Lower fitting features an oak leaf pattern.

Shown above are three photographic examples of this dagger. One is in World of Dress Daggers, volume 1 by R.J.Berger, pp 47,48. The 2nd example featured above center is shown in the sale book of Johnson Reference Books and Militaria. The 3rd example shown above right is from Sofia, Bulgaria. With these three examples we have three variations in the crossbar. Between the top of the 1st example cross bar center is a plain circular band, which appears to be a spacer between the top of the crossbar and the bottom of the grip which doesn’t seem integral to the crossbar. The 2nd and 3rd examples appear to have a tapered, fluted integrated extension to the center section of the crossbar top with a single band at the top. The 3rd example is identical to the 2nd except for a double band at the top. The three daggers represent variations in manufacture and are, more than likely, correct.
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Post WWII Bulgarian army dagger

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Bulgarian Coat of Arms

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